An active, multi-species rookery in an area as heavily developed as Kendall/West Kendall is VERY rare! It is located on the southern end of 168 acres of privately owned parks and recreation greenspace (the former Calusa Golf Course) . The property has been closed by the owner, Facundo Bacardi, since 2011, and was protected from development by a land use covenant until it was released 47 years early in Oct 2020. After a proposed large-scale private luxury development application was submitted in February 2021, concerned residents documented the nesting, foraging and roosting birds and identified and reported imperiled tricolored heron nesting. Thanks to resident documentation and advocacy, FWC added the Calusa Rookery to their map of imperiled wading bird colonies in September 2021. After Miami-Dade County DERM independently verified imperiled tricolored heron nesting in 2022, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava issued a memo requiring that the Calusa Rookery be preserved.
Species documented to be foraging/roosting at the Calusa Rookery: snail kite, great egret, snowy egret, cattle egret, State Threatened tricolored heron, State Threatened little blue heron, green heron, great blue heron, anhinga, ibis, black necked stilt, black crowned night heron, Federally Threatened wood stork, white pelican, State Threatened roseate spoonbill and a rare redhead!
Species documented to be nesting at the Calusa Rookery: great egret, cattle egret, imperiled tricolored heron and anhinga.
Calusa Rookery 2024 Breeding/Nesting Season
Photo credit: Dennis Horn and Victoria Hall-Humpherson (DV Nature Photography) unless otherwise specified below
Tricolored Heron on nest 3 Tricolored Heron on nest 2 with 3+ eggs Tricolored Heron on nest 1 Tricolored Heron on nest 2 with eggs Tricolored Heron on nest 1 with egg Tricolored Heron on nest 1 White Pelican (new species to the rookery!) Little Blue Heron Great Egret with chicks Two Tricolored Heron building a nest Male and Female Anhinga Great Egret Tricolored Heron in breeding plumage Snowy Egret
Calusa Rookery 2023 Breeding/Nesting Season
Photo credit: Dennis Horn and Victoria Horn (DV Nature Photography) unless otherwise specified below

Anhinga nestlings Pied billed grebe and chicks Great Egrets Cattle Egrets Great Egret with eggs Great Egret Imperiled Tricolored Heron Great Egret with eggs on nest Anhinga
Calusa Rookery 2022 Breeding/Nesting Season
Photo credit: Dennis Horn and Victoria Hall-Humpherson (DV Nature Photography) unless otherwise specified below
Tricolored Heron Fledgling
Fourth Tricolored Heron Nest (with eggs)
(taken by Amanda Prieto)Tricolored Heron Fledgling and Parent
(taken by Amanda Prieto)Third Tricolored Heron Nest (with eggs)
(taken by Amanda Prieto)Tricolored Heron
(taken by Amanda Prieto)Federally Threatened Wood Stork
(taken by Amanda Prieto)Black Crowned Night Heron
(taken by Amanda Prieto)
State Threatened Tricolored Heron chick on the 1st nest
(taken by Ron Magill)
State Threatened Tricolored Heron on 1st nest with eggs
Federally Threatened Wood Stork
(taken by Amanda Prieto)State Threatened Tricolored Heron chick
on the 1st nestState Threatened Tricolored Heron chick
on the 1st nest feeding
Black Necked Stilts Great Egret feeding a fish to their young
(taken by Amanda Prieto)Black Crowned Night Heron
(taken by Amanda Prieto)
2nd Tricolored Heron Nest Cattle Egret with chicks Anhinga with chicks Cattle Egret with eggs on nest Anhinga Fledglings Cattle Egret in Breeding Plumage Tricolored Heron with nesting material Great Egret and hatchlings Tricolored Heron
Tricolored with nesting material Tricolored Heron Tricolored courting behavior Green Heron Great Egret with eggs in nest Anhinga feeding hatchling Great Egret with nestlings Anhinga with hatchlings
Great Egret in breeding plumage Anhinga nesting Federally Endangered Snail Kite Great Egret in Breeding Plumage Ibis and Tricolored Heron Solitary Sandpiper Great Egret in Breeding Plumage Wading Birds Foraging

Calusa Rookery 2021 Breeding/Nesting Season
Photo credit: Dennis Horn and Victoria Hall-Humpherson (DV Nature Photography)
Rookery Great Egret Great Egret Great Egret with eggs in nest Great Egret and 2 Anhinga on nests Great Egrets on nest Great Egret and Hatchlings Great Egret and Hatchlings Great egret with Hatchlings Great Egrets with hatchlings Great Egret with hatchlings Great Egret parent feeding young, 5 weeks old Tricolored Heron Tricolored heron in breeding colors and plumage Tricolored Heron Nesting (with eggs) Juvenile Tricolored Heron Solitary sandpiper Redhead (rare) Cattle Egrets Building Nests Cattle Egret in breeding colors Anhinga with nestlings Anhinga Anhinga with hatchling Anhinga feeding hatchlings Anhinga with hatchlings Anhinga with hatchlings Small section of rookery with 8-9 nests visible